Headline Widget (new release now. Feb 15, 2023)
Read headline news summary on home screen. 1-tap to original source with in-depth story. Widget auto update every 30mins/1hr/2hr/4hr or no update.

What is Headline Widget?
Headline Widget is a widget that enable you to read *RSS news on home screen, without open the app. Never miss any breaking news.
Besides global and local headline news, also get latest news in finance, technology, business, healthcare, sports, entertainment and more.
User can add, update, delete and re-arrange news channels on Headline Widget. Choose the news channel you care about. Any latest headline news from US, UK, China, Hong Kong, Canada, Australia, Germany, India, etc, could be read all-in-one in Headline Widget. Easy to subscribe only what you wanted.
- Personalize by add and subscribe to global *RSS news and / or local news channels of your choice.
- Auto or manual news update on home screen widget is supported. Able to change channel and refresh news summary without open the app.
- Auto news update on widget can be custom with every 30mins, 1 hour , 2 hours, 4 hours or no auto update. To reduce mobile data charge, user can also custom with update on WiFi only.
- Channel url too long to input? Headline Widget support built-in QR code scanner to add channel url, if QR code on website is available.
- From news summary, 1-click to open original source with in-depth story.
- Share news link with email is supported.
- Want to read different news summary channels at the same time? No problem. Headline Widget support multiple instances of the same widget. That is, put 2 Headline Widgets on the home screen, each with different channel. Both channels can be auto update.
How to add more news channel?
User can add any RSS feed link to retrieve news. Look for the RSS link url of the website. Then open the “Channel” page in the app. Click “Add” to add the name and url. Re-order the channel sequence if necessary. Click “Save” when finished. The first channel would be the default channel when open the RSS page.
Want to provide your own news?
Are you a news information provider? Or, do you have an online shop website? Yes, you can provide useful news or info to your clients too. By using Headline Widget as the RSS reader, you can provide RSS news to your subscribed clients, through your WordPress or Wix web server. Please find out more about RSS below in FAQ section.
Who Should use this app?
– Any person who concern what’s happened around the world
– journalist
– stock trader, currency trader, investor, finance related people
– tech people
– small business owner, startup
– city government, university or college
When you have just 1 spare minute, you can read through all global news summary. Best for kill time in boring office meeting, traffic jam, lunch time, coffee break, etc.
* RSS is Really Simple Syndication, which is a simple, standard xml feed that allow web based content deliver to the reader.
Look for the above RSS symbol. If the website provides rss feed, it usually come with a symbol like this.
Screen captures:

Q. How to put app widget on Android home screen?
A. After download and install Headline Widget, test run the app. Then exit to home screen, tap and hold on empty space. Choose “Widget” from the popup. From a list of widgets, choose “Headline Widget” widget, drag it to the home screen. Please note that this widget requires minimum 4 x 2 cells ( recommend 4×3) empty space, as show the picture above.
YouTube demo video below:
Q. I have a WordPress website. How do I distribute content through Headline Widget to my clients?
A. WordPress (also for Wix and many CMS websites) built-in support RSS. It is not require to install any plug-in module. The default RSS link for your WordPress website should be https://www.yourwebsite.com/feed , which new posts would be included in the rss feed content. If you are using Wix, the default RSS link could be https://www.yourwebsite.com/blog-feed.xml
Tips: If website has a lot of different content, administrator can add new category and create new posts under the category. Then another rss link could be similar to https://www.yourwebsite.com/category1/feed
Q. What is the difference between standard QR code and XML QR code for the built-in scanner?
A. Headline Widget provides a QR code scanner for easy input of long url when adding a new channel. e.g.
for this website, our QR code for rss link is “https://wimlog.com/myrss/feed/”
Here is the standard qr code and the screen result:

We also provide another custom method, XML QR code for the same url link:
Both the channel name and channel url are added in the dialog box.

Another screen capture for Headline Widget, which is shown on Android Play Store:
Version 1.0. Released on Feb 15, 2023.